Kids Enterprise Event: Uplift Project Fundraiser

As part of our ongoing efforts to raise funds for the St Marys Uplift Campaign, we’re inviting the local youth to showcase their entrepreneurial skills through our very first Kids Enterprise Event.


Stallholders will be selling their products on Saturday 29th June, 10 am – 3 pm at St Mary’s church in the courtyard and surrounding gardens – weather-dependent. Plan B, we’ll hold the event inside the church but we’re leaning on the side of expecting fabulous weather that day!


All future entrepreneurs under the age of 16 are welcome to register for a place at the event. A donation of £5 is required but the rest of the profit is theirs! Does your little one make handmade products? Are they designers? Bakers? Artists? Musicians? Would they like a space to perform their work? Maybe they’d like to sell their unwanted toys and books?


Whatever it is, parents, get in touch!


We are also interested in speaking with local businesses, charities, or CICs who would like a presence on the day. It’ll be a fantastic opportunity to meet and chat with local people about your work. Online marketing has its place but face-to-face interactions are a vital way to connect with the community.


Do you run creative workshops? Music, art, crafts – all ideas are welcome and will help make this a great day for all the family. And we promise you won’t go hungry, there will be a selection of refreshments available with all proceeds heading to Uplift.


If this sounds like something you’d like to be part of please get in touch by completing the Registration Form. Or email Adam at for full details.

Adam Glennon